27 results

End of SPREP internship presentation, July 2015. Sections: climate finance challenges, overview of climate finance in the Pacific, and next steps.

Direct link to all of Samoa's species occurrences on GBIF records

Link to the Samoa's datasets hosted on GBIF website

direct internet link to Samoa's climate change data portal.

This short film was produced for The Last Straw - Preventing our Oceans from becoming Dumps side event during the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States.

Access to resources for practitioners in their battle against invasive species.

A visualization generate by the Inform portal based on data collected on the damages and losses caused by Cyclone Evan 2012.

The Protected Areas Working Group (PAWG) of the Pacific Islands Round Table for Nature Conservation recommended a forum to better connect a diverse range of people and their work relating to protected and conserved areas. To increase efficacy with respect to gaining momentum with communications and conservation work, the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal (PIPAP) was launched.

Presented delivered Mr. Clark Duseigner ( GIS Officer) on the use of GIS in EPC, Samoa.

Presentation delivered by Ms. To'oa Brown on the use and application of GIS in the local based agriculture project (MGP-SAFPROM implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture

Presentation delivered by Mr. Paul Anderson (SPREP UNEP-GEF Inform Project Manager) on GIS and decision making as well as the existence of this platform (Environment Data Portal)

Presentation delivered by Mr. Unasa Nomeneta Saili from SkyEye on the use of GIS for the Measles nation-wide vaccination programme in 2019

Presentation delivered by Mr. Nomeneta Saili from Skyeye on the application of GIS to identify EPC assets that were damaged during the 2009 tsunami

Presentation delivered by Mr. Unasa Nomeneta Saili of SkyEye on the future for GIS for Samoa

Presentation delivered by Mr.James Atherton (vice president of Samoa Conservation Society) on the history and background of GIS and remote sensing in Samoa

An introductory presentation on what FOSS4G stands for and how the conference emerged.

PowerPoint presentation on the Inform project.

PowerPoint presentation on the building blocks and features of the environment data portals.