This Plan incorporates the Constituency of Lotofaga (Matatufu, Lotofaga and Vavau) District
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Constituency of Palauli East and Tafua Tai, (Tafua, Vailoa, Vaitoomuli and Faala) Savaii.
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Palauli le Falefa (Sili, Gataivai, Gautavai, Papa and Puleia villages).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Constituency of Palauli West (Foailalo, Foailuga, Salailua., Siutu, Satuiatua and Taga).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Safata (Fausaga, Fusi, Lotofaga, Mulivai, Nuusuatia, Sa’anapu, Sataoa,
Tafitoala and Vaie’e villages).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Constituency of Sagaga le Falefa (Tufulele, Utuali’I, Nono’a, Salepou’ae, Lotosoa, Levi and
Alamutu, Faleula, Aelefou, Aleisa East and Aleisa West villages).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Constituency of Sagaga le Usoga (Afega, Malie and Tuanai).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Salega (Samata, Fagafau, Fogatuli, Sagone, Fai’a’ai, Vaipua and Fogasavaii
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Satupa’itea (Satufia, Vaega, Pitonuu and Mosula).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Si’umu East (Si’umu West, Si’umu East, Sa’aga-fou and Maninoa villages).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Va’a o Fonoti (Faleapuna, Lona, Ma’asina, Saletele, Sauano, Salimu/Musumusu, Samamea, Taelefaga and Uafato villages).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Vaimauga East (Fagali’i, Vailele, Letogo and Lauli’i villages).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Vaimauga West (Mulinu’u/Sogi/Savalalo/Fugalei/Saleufi, Vaimea/Aai o Fiti, Alamagoto, Apia, Togafuafua/Matafele/Tufuiopa, Taufusi, Lalovaea/Lalovaea Sasae/Palisi, Malifa/Motootua/Leufisa, Tanugamanono, Nafanua/Setema Fou, Papaloloa/Tanumaleko, Papauta/Loimata o Apaula, Vailima, Avele/Vaoala/Tiapapata, Matautu-tai/Matautu-uta, Vaiala, Vaipuna/Levili, Faatoia/Vini/Maagao, Magiagi, Moata’a, Vaivase, Toomatagi).
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Vaisigano 1 (Asau, Vaisala and Auala villages)
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
This Plan incorporates the Faipule District of Vaisigano 2 (Fagasa, Sataua and Papa Sataua villages)
The village representatives participated in the preparation of this CIM Plan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.
The NDMP places emphasis on a mainstreamed and multi-sectoral approach to promote disaster resilience in Samoa, focusing on prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. The NDMP aims to be holistic and address all known hazards that Samoa is vulnerable to, taking into account lessons learnt while building on existing systems and practices at different levels. The approach also aims to improve coordination of operational and management procedures.
The Samoa National Action Plan (NAP) for Disaster Risk Management is an operational document that should be read in conjunction with the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) 2017-2020. The NAP also provides a day-to-day guide for operations and a monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework to assess performance and advance accountability of the Disaster Management Office (DMO).
The findings of the Baseline Survey will provide water and sanitation professionals such as policy makers and utilities alike with the necessary information to guide policy development and targeted interventions on the ground.
Post-disaster Needs Assessment Cyclone Evan 2012
This act provides for the management of disasters and emergencies in Samoa by effective planning and risk reduction, response and recovery procedures and the promotion of coordination amongst the agencies responsible for disaster management