545 results

During the two hour event 2,714 pieces of rubbish were counted and analysed.

The data sheets used for the collection process were an adaptation of data sheets created for the International Coastal Cleanup Day by the Ocean Conservancy.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This guide helps communities understand the pressures people may place on beaches and suggests how natural processes or ecosystem based approaches can be used can encourage sand to come back and stay put.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Database of Island Invasive Species Eradications (DIISE) attempts to compile all historical and current invasive vertebrate eradication projects on islands. The vast majority of the dataset is focused on invasive mammals. Data gathered from each project includes island location and characteristics, details about the eradication including focal species, methods and outcome, plus links and or contact details for learning more about the project.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Comprehensive assessment of the risks and impacts of seabed mining on marine ecosystems by Fauna and Flora International.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This project has developed sub-regional bioregionalisations for the western-south Pacific Ocean, through expert workshops and novel statistical analysis of physical and biological data. This combines approaches CSIRO developed in Australia, used in the Bay of Bengal (in collaboration with BOBLME) with similar approaches that have been used throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans to derive a single combined bioregionalisation.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global biodiversity data sets being widely used by scientists, businesses, governments, International secretariats and others to inform planning, policy decisions and management. The WDPA is a joint project between UN Environment and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation completed field research for one of the largest coral reef studies in history: the Global Reef Expedition. The Expedition travelled around the globe surveying some of the most remote reefs on the planet, conducting research to assess coral reef ecosystem health and resiliency.

The Global Reef Expedition visited many countries in the Pacific Ocean to assess the health and resiliency of their coral reef ecosystems. See links below for more information, reports and maps.

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has completed the World Reef Map, an online interactive coral reef atlas that allows users to explore all of the coral reefs and shallow water marine habitats mapped on the Global Reef Expedition. With over 65,000 square kilometers of shallow water marine ecosystems mapped, this is by far the largest collection of high-resolution coral reef maps ever made.
Map layers include Benthic Habitat Data, Bathymetry, Depth Contours and Habitat Videos.

This guide was written for governments, community groups and NGOs to address coastal protection issues through ecosystem based adaptation interventions. The work was developed as a partnership between SPREP and the University of Tasmania with funding from Australian Aid and the participation of the governments of Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu and Tonga.

Link to online map viewer to search by geographic location, invasive species or eradication detail.
You can export and download your search results as a csv table or high resolution map.

Fauna & Flora International (FFI). 2020. An Assessment of the Risks and Impacts of Seabed Mining on
Marine Ecosystems. FFI: Cambridge U.K. Available from: www.fauna-flora.org

Dunstan et al. 2018. Bioregions of the South West Pacific Ocean. CSIRO, Australia.

zip file "Pacific_shape_draft15112018", containing all the shape files from the first workshop

This dataset contains mapped point locations for protected areas within the Pacific Islands Region. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas polygon locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within the region.

This dataset contains mapped point locations for protected areas within the Pacific Islands Region. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas polygon locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within the region.

This dataset contains mapped polygon locations for protected areas within the Pacific Islands Region. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas point locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within the region.

This dataset contains mapped polygon locations for protected areas within the Pacific Islands Region. This dataset should be viewed in combination with the World Database on Protected Areas point locations to get a comprehensive view of all protected areas within the region.

The WDPA User Manual provides information and guidance about the data held within the WDPA, including its history, how it is collected, managed and distributed, and how it should be interpreted and used for analyses and research. The Manual has been prepared for WDPA data providers and users. It is structured in 4 sections and includes 6 appendices.

The Protected Areas Working Group (PAWG) of the Pacific Islands Round Table for Nature Conservation recommended a forum to better connect a diverse range of people and their work relating to protected and conserved areas. To increase efficacy with respect to gaining momentum with communications and conservation work, the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal (PIPAP) was launched.