4 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This compendium presents a wide-ranging overview of more than 400 projects, case studies and research activities specifically related to climate change and Indigenous Peoples. It provides a sketch of the climate and environmental changes, local observations and impacts being felt by communities in different regions, and outlines various adaptation and mitigation strategies that are currently being implemented by Indigenous Peoples

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Doumenting ADB’s ongoing and emerging climate change mitigation and adaptation programs, and how they continue to play a catalytic role in helping Asia and the Pacific meet the challenges brought about by climate change

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), Samoa

This study examines the current influence of climate change on Samoa by looking at the three tenets of vulnerability: exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. It also analyzes how environmentally secure Samoa is and will be, using Thomas Homer Dixon’s theory on climate change and conflict. Finally, the paper seeks to outline the current system of adaptation awareness that exists between government, community and foreign aid
components, and propose future strategies.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), Samoa

This Community Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment (CV&A) findings from Saoluafata and Lano represent what most communities of Samoa are facing with respect to the challenges from climate extremes and variability. Adaptation options identified and prioritized with consensus from the communities opted mostly for soft solutions and some hard solutions that will help improve the livelihoods of the communities.